Nov 6, 2009

The girl and the fox

I sat me down
to scratch my nose
with this pen
but then I preferred
to write a poem with it.

I said
"I will write a poem
about that girl
with the prettiest smile
about that fox
who use to get close to me
to escape
from starvation and loneliness"

I never kissed that girl
and the fox never talked to me

next time
I won't waste ink writing poems
I'll better scratch my nose
or my ears.


chrieseli said...

Si De Exupery hubiera usado su lápiz para rascarse la nariz, no hubieramos podido jamás conocer el más hermoso pasaje de su obra.
Un abrazo mi don, que no le invada la nostalgia.

Denis Parra said...

Este es un meta-poema Teresa. Si no me invade la nostalgia, me es imposible escribir un solo verso.